KY32 Fescue – Fungus Free

A Cool season perennial grass. Orygun is an entophyte (fungus) free tall fescue produced in Oregon and is recommended for the traditional tall fescue belt. Seasonal forage productivity will be similar to that of KY31. Orygon will produce high quality grazing has hay crops for all classes of grazing livestock and wildlife. Fescue Toxicity in livestock is caused by fungal entophyte (lives within the plant) found in most tall fescue plants which produce toxic compounds. Serious losses due to reduced beef cow conception rates, calf weaning weights, horse abortions, foal deaths, and many other problems in livestock result form infect pastures. A higher level of management is required for the establishment and maintained of fungus-free fescue than infected tall fescue stands. However research continues to show, for example. Beef steers typically grow 1.5 to 2 lbs. per day on entophyte-free grass compared to 1 lb. or less per day on heavily infected grass.

Seed Rate 25 to 35 lbs. acre.